PhD | Masters | Honours




Xiaoyun He, Harbin Institute of Technology CSC visting PhD student, 'Children's thermal comfort in outdoor environments'.

Guillermo A. Moncada-Morales, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile visiting PhD student with Prof Stephen Livesley.

Yayan Qiu, 'To what extent does the city designed by GNN-VR retain the spatial topological relationship with regional characteristics?' PhD co-supervision with Sachith Seneviratne, University of Melbourne. Commencement: 1st July 2024

Jianfeng Gao, Chinese Academy of Sciences CSC visting PhD student with Prof Stephen Livesley and Dr Pui Kwan Cheung


Nan Xu, 'Transport Network, Graph and Air Pollution', 2023-2025, PhD co-supervision with Mark Stevenson and Sachith Seneviratne, University of Melbourne.


Pui (Paul) Kwan Cheung, 'Irrigating urban green space as a cooling strategy – impacts on surface energy balance and microclimate', 2020-2023, PhD co-supervision with Prof. Stephen Livesley, University of Melbourne. Submitted 23 August 2023. Completion 1 March 2024. Final thesis.


Jingming Qian, 'The capacity for airport precinct cooling using recycled stormwater irrigation', 2016-2023, PhD co-supervision with Prof. Nigel J. Tapper, Monash University/ Prof. Dafang Fu, Southeast University. Submitted 2023. Completed 2024.



Yunpeng (Cloud) Bai, 'Object Detection based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Transport Mode Share Analysis', 2019-2020, Supervision of Master of Information Technology ISYS90106 Information Systems Major Research Project, University of Melbourne.

Junyu Long, 'Estimates of City Transportation Mode Share from Google Street View Imagery', 2019, Supervision of Master of Information Technology COMP90055 Computing Project, University of Melbourne.

Zhengyang Li, 'Estimates of City Transportation Mode Share from Google Street View Imagery', 2019, Supervision of Master of Information Technology COMP90055 Computing Project, University of Melbourne.


Chi Che, 'Semantic Segmentation with Neural Networks', 2018, Supervision of Master of Information Technology COMP90019 Computing Project, University of Melbourne.

Jingcheng Wang, 'Using image processing with Google Street View imagery to predict sky view factor at different location', 2018, Supervision of Master of Information Technology COMP90055 Computing Project, University of Melbourne.

Side Lu, 'Mining Sky View Factor from Google Street View based on superpixel segmentation', 2018, Supervision of Master of Information Technology COMP90055 Computing Project, University of Melbourne.

Xin Qi, 'Mining Google Street View data through image segmentation approaches', 2018, Supervision of Master of Information Technology COMP90055 Computing Project, University of Melbourne.

Nan Zhao, 'A model of sky region detection based on Convolutional neural networks, Mean Shift and K-means clustering & HSL colour filtering', 2018, Supervision of Master of Information Technology COMP90055 Computing Project, University of Melbourne.

Yiming Qiu, 'A model of sky region detection based on Convolutional neural networks, Mean Shift and K-means clustering & HSL colour filtering', 2018, Supervision of Master of Information Technology COMP90055 Computing Project, University of Melbourne.

Mingchi Zhang, 'Vegetation detection in GSV images', 2018, Supervision of Master of Information Technology COMP90055 Computing Project, University of Melbourne.



Ellie Traill, 'Cooling through irrigated impervious surfaces', 2021, Honours co-supervision with Nigel Tapper and Julie Arblaster, Monash University.