Student inquiry

Your research proposal looks interesting and is in line with the research I do ( and that we perform in our research lab (

There are two main steps, admissions to the PhD program at the University of Melbourne, and then securing a scholarship. Both of these are very competitive. More details about PhD programs in ABP and the Melbourne School of Design:
There is also the possibility of bringing a scholarship with you, such as the China Scholarship Council scholarships.

For specific information about what is required in an application, including the research proposal requirements, please see this page:

A strong well-written proposal is an important part of your submission. You will want to develop a research program that is innovative and substantial and worthy of three years of research. But you also don't want to promise too much so there is no way you could actually finish it all. A goal of writing three papers during a PhD is a pretty reasonable goal. This is good guide to the general amount of content that should go into that sort of thesis (thesis by publication) and be reflected in your proposal:

This is also a sample template for your proposal:

Your proposal should also try to align with the research goals of the Faculty:

I'm happy to be named on your application as a potential supervisor. If you want to discuss your project proposal, I'm also happy to provide some feedback on that as well.

I'm also encouraging some candidates (climate related ones) to also apply to the Faculty of Science (and list me as co-supervisor). I'm happy to co-supervise across faculties along with colleagues Stephen Livesley or Mohammad Rahman. My faculty only has about 10-15 scholarships to award every year, so it is very difficult.

The process for Science I believe is also a bit different. My faculty (ABP) puts great emphasis on the proposal, Science is more collaborative in developing the project and puts greater weight on the applicant's research and academic records.


Dr. Kerry Nice
Research Fellow / Deputy Director
Transport, Health and Urban Systems (THUS) research lab
Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning
Room 306, Level 3, Melbourne School of Design (Building 133)
The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia