Collection of micro-climate observations: Datasets
Pui Kwan Cheung, Naika Meili, Kerry Nice, Stephen Livesley, Dataset for: Identifying the mechanisms by which irrigation can cool urban green spaces in summer, 2024, | Dataset.
Kerry A. Nice, Matthias Demuzere, Nigel Tapper, Dataset for: Present day and future urban cooling enabled by integrated water management, 2023, | Dataset.
Pui Kwan Cheung, Kerry Nice, Stephen Livesley, Impacts of irrigation scheduling on urban green space cooling, This record contains the microclimate and soil moisture data from a field experiment that investigated the impacts of irrigation scheduling on urban green space irrigation in Melbourne, Australia, 2023, | Dataset.
Kerry A. Nice, Jasper S. Wijnands, Dataset for: Sky pixel detection in outdoor imagery using an adaptive algorithm and machine learning, 2019, | Dataset | Source code.
Kerry A. Nice, Jasper S. Wijnands, Melbourne Google Street View imagery dataset, 2018, | Dataset.